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Pastoral Care

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“The Mission of St. Augustine Church Pastoral Care Ministries is to foster wholeness of Body, Mind and Spirit by providing support physically, emotionally and spiritually to benefit our parish family.” 


Our Pastoral Care Ministries: the Health & Wellness Team, Lay Eucharistic Ministry, Caregiver Support Group, Faith Flowers, Healing Hearth Ministry and Prayer Shawl Ministry, each with its unique gift, share this common thread.


Download our pamphlet and learn more>

Health & Wellness Team

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Monthly Screenings

The H&W Team offers monthly blood pressure screenings with the chance to speak with RN’s about personal health concerns. Plus Phillipa Norman, R.D. hosts monthly “Ask the Dietician” sessions where parishioners can personally meet and discuss nutrition and diet one-on-one.

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Informative Programs

From “Knowledge is Empowering” led by RNs Marolyn Findlay and Genie Bushell on how to respond in an emergency, to “Understanding Dementia: Ways to Support, Cope and Celebrate Moments of Joy” with Peggy Cunningham of the Alzheimer and Parkinson Association. 

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Healthy Activities

Our Lenten walks provide a great opportunity for fellowship while promoting good health. Ditto for our participation in the Cancer Walk when the group helped raise necessary funds for cancer research and support. Ministry Contact: Sally Munson

“ ... just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Pastoral Ministries

Everyone needs a little help now and then. Sometimes spiritual,  sometimes emotional, sometimes something else. Our Pastoral Care Ministries stand ready to help with a kind word, personal prayer, emotional support, a satisfying meal, a warm shawl or whatever it takes to bring you comfort and hope. Click the links below to learn more ...

Pastoral Care Request

The St. Augustine clergy also stand ready to offer prayer and support for whatever 
life's challenges you are facing. We don't know what you need unless you tell us.

Please fill out the form below so that we may respond in a helpful and supportive way.

This information is completely confidential and sent only to St. Augustine's clergy.

How can we help you?
Thanks for submitting!

Local Resources

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Senior Resource Association

Care, Dignity, and Independence. Senior Resource Association helps improve the quality of life and safety of local seniors by offering in-home and community services to meet their individual needs, as well as those of their caregivers. From hot meals to enrichment and respite, SRA supports seniors, and our transportation services get everyone where they need to go. You can reach the Senior Resource Assn. office at: 772.569.0760, Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm.

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VNA Support Group
For those who have recently lost loved ones, VNA Hospice Bereavement offers a virtual Beginner’s Support Group which meets for 6 weeks, every Monday from 2-3 pm. Call Melissa King at 772-567-5551, Ext. 5171 for details. Open to all!

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