Find Help and Support from these
Pastoral Care Ministries

Morning Prayer
Join in on Daily Morning Prayer services over the telephone. Simply dial (339) 209-4611 before 8 am, Monday through Friday to participate. The service is easy to follow and is about 20 minutes long.
Ministry Contact: Br. Rick Lorino, BSG

Care Givers Support Group
The Caregivers Support Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 2 pm. If you are feeling weighed down by caregiving worries or concerns, connecting with other caregivers is great emotional support. Come share your practical advice on managing challenges in caregiver relationships.
Ministry Contact: Br. Rick Lorino, BSG

Faith Flowers
Flowers bring joy! Whether it is to lift one’s spirits, honor a loved one, or to celebrate a life milestone! Our “Faith Flowers” Ministry gathers Sunday’s service flowers and distributes them to our parish family. Ministry Contact: Lucinda Johnson

Healing Hearth Meal Ministry
The Healing Hearth meals ministry cares for those parishioners who are ill, have had surgery or have lost a loved one. Our wonderful volunteers make and deliver home-cooked meals as a way of showing our support for these folks. Let us know if you'd like to either give or receive meals from this ministry. Check out our cookbook!
Ministry Contact: Cheri Foster

Lay Eucharistic Ministry
Our ministers serve on the altar on a rotating basis for all services. They may also deliver Communion and fellowship at home to those unable to attend services.
Ministry Contact: Russ Kratz

TUESDAYS | 1 - 3 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is ongoing activity where we make prayer shawls, lap blankets, and prayer squares for anyone in need by illness, grief, or support. We meet Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm in the Library, and new members are always welcome.
Ministry Contact: Gayle Twombly

LAST SUNDAYS | 9 am - 12 pm
Health & Wellness Monthly Blood Pressure Screening
Come have your blood pressure checked by our RN's the last Sunday of the month in the Parish Hall after the 8 am and 10 am services. Educational information will be provided.
Ministry Contact: Sally Munson

LAST SUNDAYS | 11:15 am
"Ask the Dietician"
The Health & Wellness Team sponsors a monthly “Ask The Dietician” session when church members have the opportunity to speak one-on-one with Phillippa Norman, MS, RD/LD and ask questions about nutritional wellness. Ministry Contact: Phillippa Norman